About Us

Our Mission

We enable farmers with the latest farming technologies and create a franchiseable indoor farming brand that grow high-quality fruits and vegetables year-round. We look to develop sustainable means for both the farmer, community and environment to benefit as a result.

At City Square Farms we strive for the greatest implementation of technological advancements with the expertise of the industry to better serve both the community and environment. It is important as a brand, that our customers, franchisees, and investors benefit from the entire relationship.

Who is City Square Farms?

City Square Farms is owned by Richard Fu the successful owner of Agrivolution. As a creator of indoor farming technologies his passion has led him to start this business to directly combat food security issues and properly create a system where every contributor of the business would be supported.

As it stands the team is looking for people just like you. We are excited to work with you and the community to best serve everyone.